Friday, March 28, 2008

Please....release me.....let me go......

Do you know the song? Can you sing along? It's an old song; one I thought I was through singing when I left the Mormon church. If you are now, or have ever been, of the Mormon persuasion (good pun there), you'll understand my story. Here it is:
I had been asked some months ago if I would run for the board in my little gated community. The Village needed an idiot, I guess. I respectfully declined, citing job and family priorities. What I didn't say was that I had no intention of getting involved with the politics and personalities of running anything, been-there-done-that, didn't like it. So they sicced one of the brethren on me! He came to the house, talked in that subdued low-key voice they use as they lay on you some guilt trip about "you've been called", and we all have to help where we can,and you mustn't hide your light under a basket, or some such nonsense. I finally told him NO, in no uncertain terms.
So a few weeks later, another neighbor asked me if I would help them proofread the newsletter that goes out monthly. Okay, I can do that, so I agreed. At the first meeting, I got assigned to do interviews on new residents, appointments to the board, couples leaving to serve missions (like I care!), and just generally highlight somebody every month. I tried to back down, saying I'd been recruited under false pretenses, but agreed to do what I could.
I hated it! The older I get, the less of a people-person I am. I don't WANT to call total strangers and ask them how they met, where they vacation, what books they read for God's sake, and what improvements would they like to see in the Village. Oh, and how about this suggested question: "Do you want to tell us about any divorces or diseases you've experienced?" Who the hell thought that one up?
Well, after about 6 months on my new "job", I've had a gut full. So I called the neighbor who persuaded me to get involved with this crap (a guy I really do like -- it's the only reason I agreed in the first place), and told him I wanted to be released from my calling. I told him to call somebody else. Actually, I sicced him on my other neighbor (sorry, Franny!). But really, she likes people a lot more than I do.
I know this seems to be much ado about nothing. Easy for you to say. Maybe you didn't internalize that guilt-thing like I did. When I explained I didn't like calling people, my handler said, "Well, you shouldn't do anything you don't what to do. Don't worry about it. I'll do it. I'll find.....somebody. But you shouldn't have to do something you really don't want to do." My thoughts exactly!! So why do I feel like I left him in a lurch?
Well, that's my tiny little suburban crisis. So beware! A "carefree community" comes with strings attached. There's the Social Committee, the Finance Committee, the all-powerful Architectural Committee, the Pool Police, the Water Master, and the Club House Committee. And these are all in addition to the Board of Directors and the Association Officers! And you better be prepared to do your part or face the disapproval of the Village fathers (who are also the Ward Brethren). Is there no escaping it?

1 comment:

Guitar said...

You tell'm girl.