Monday, May 26, 2008

Punk and Circumstances

Did y'all think I abandoned this little corner of my life? Well, for a while, I guess I did. Sometimes it's so hard to keep up with the things that really do make me feel better. Some of those things include (but are not limited to) exercising, eating right, limiting my intake of chocolate, keeping in touch with friends, and.......writing. It's always been therapeutic for me, and I tend to hate my life when I think I'm too busy to take care of me.

The last 3 weeks have been murderous (as in I wanted to murder some of the people who populate my day-to-day life!) The month leading up to Graduation is always stressful, but this year it's been over the top. I spend months trying to make a plan for each inmate so that he's constantly moving ahead toward Graduation. You'd think I'd know by now that a plan is only that -- a plan. It doesn't motivate the unmotivated and it doesn't interest the uninterested. Okay, fine....I can accept that they can't be forced to do the work.

But then, about 3 weeks before Graduation, they realize they've wasted the last 7 months and need to get with the program. In their twisted egotistical minds, this means that I'm supposed to suspend MY plan and get them graduated. They want to spend double and triple time in my classroom (even though every class is already full), they get offended and testy if their work isn't corrected and graded within a few hours of completion, and they somehow want to make it MY fault that they've wasted time and gotten behind.

I can hear're saying something like, "It's not YOUR problem, just ignore them. Go on with your program. If they get it done, great; if not, oh well." I hear you. Let me just say, "It's not always that easy." Remember they're experts at manipulating, making excuses, and appearing to be victims.

I said to one guy, "Have you ever heard the saying that poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine?" He looked at me blankly and said, "Huh?" I said, "Get the fuck out of my face!"

When one guy finally finished, he said "So, what do I do now?" I said, "You go away. Get the fuck out of my face."

Another guy told me, "All I'm trying to do here is graduate. The least you could do is be here to correct my work." I said, "It's a holiday! I'm not coming in on Memorial Day to correct your damn test. I already have my diploma. Get the fuck out of my face!"

I'm exaggerating of course. I've never said (outloud) Get the fuck out of my face. I've thought it on several occasions, but I've stopped short of actually saying it.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Graduation as never before. Four more years of this? I think I need a therapist. I'm too old for this. I care too much. I need to WRITE more often. Hang in there with me.


Guitar said...
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Guitar said...

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. ~Robert Louis Stevenson

You are doing a great job. Hang in there, this school year is about over.

I'm very proud of you. You're the BEST !!!

Anonymous said...

LaTeacha- I do know you have not made time for friends....even one that left to be with her daughter!!! Hope you and your kids have a great 6 weeks and hopefully I will be back for that cancelled colonoscopy in Aug....
Missing you
Granny Annie