Monday, July 7, 2008

Visual Aides

Just a few pictures of the fun and frivolity. Very patriotic stuff here. We've never been so proud to be Americans.
Just after the initial tumble. All I wanted to do was show Daniel my mad rock-skipping skills. Honest.

It's a very steep slope, just under the water there, so climbing out again can be a bitch. Emma was glad to help.

Jamie and I after both of us had been in and climbed out. Again, two of America's finest. Note how our hair isn't even wet. How clever are we?

We hadn't been out more than 2 minutes before we both decided we just had to jump in again (much to Torbjørn's dismay). Emma and Amanda joined us, which left no one on shore to help drag our asses back out again. That asshole Torbjørn refused to help.

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