Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Am A Sometimes-Blogger

It's not that I'm not committed to it. It's not even that I have a short attention span. It's that I have so many interests, I have to spread my time around. Yeh, that's it! That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it! (either that or I'm lazy......)

I've been on know, like popular TV shows. Now I'm coming back, like Lost and Big Love and Dateline. It'll be all new, not necessarily improved. Let's see now......

There was September where not much happened. Then there was October where not much happened either, until Halloween (see pictures below). then there was November where even less happened, but it happened faster because the month seemed to fly by until Thanksgiving (again, see pictures below). All in all, my life is pretty mundane and predictable.

I actually have no idea where these pictures will end up. I know now why I don't add pictures to my blog. It's too damn hard! Thanks for the blogging lesson, Tracy.

Thanksgiving was a special one this year. It's the first time (and I mean the first time EVER) that all of my siblings have been together for the holiday. We grew up in one of those families where parents raise two sets of kids. The two boys, followed by several childless years, and finally two girls. When we talk about our childhoods, it's almost like we didn't even belong to the same family. You know how raising kids kind of wears you down. The boys trained my parents in so they were broken and tolerable by the time my sister and I came along. And, of course, being the youngest, I was the spoiled one. They just wanted to be done with it by the time I appeared.
I was conceived in a meadow, by a stream, while my parents were on a picnic with friends. They went to get water. And came back! It's a sweet story, isn't it? I didn't know it until the day of my dad's funeral. One of the picnic friends came to the mortuary, threw her arms around me, and said, "There's our little pail of water!" After some lengthy questioning, my mom finally came clean with the whole story. I'll take it. I think it was a nice beginning.

So here it is...December. Another year will bite the dust. My cheeks (all of them) will sag a little more. I'll bother less often with make-up because it doesn't make much difference anymore. I'll gain a few more pounds and redistribute the ones I have until I have that nice matronly girth that photographs so well. I'll no doubt read more obituaries and less self-help books. But you know what? I enjoy sunsets more that ever before. I watch the deer lying on the hillside and think, "Ah...this is why I got up this morning!" Nothing cheers me up like talking to my grandkids on the phone, even if they have to be dragged there by the upper arm. I don't jump up off the couch like I used to; now I stand there for a few seconds until the blood flow through my extremities catches up with thought process that says, "We're moving now!"

All in all, life is good.


Guitar said...

Did you know Gae in Ute Indian means -"Little pail of water".

Your Thanksgiving dinner was great.
All the food was perfect, and everyone had such a good time.
It was fun seeing all the Pete's
togeather at the same time. No fights or anything. Your Mom and Dad would be so very proud.

tracy said...

Everything looks perfect and what an incredible memory for all of you. I am so happy it all worked out just right!

JEDA said...

Come on Sometimes Blogger!

You're on vacation. So blog something already!