Friday, January 11, 2008

"Bring out your dead.......bring out your dead...."

I take extra Vitamin C. I got a flu shot. I wash my hands obsessively. So how come I still got sick? And I don't mean just "oh-mama's-got-the-sniffles" sick. This has been more like "the-Mucinex-guy-waged-war-and-I-think-he-won" sick. At this point, I think I'm going to live, but the jury's still out on whether or not I'm better.
It seems like everybody I talk to has either been sick or lives with somebody who's been sick. I'm reading World Without End by Ken Follett about the devastation of the plague in 1300's England, (hence, the reference to "bring out your dead") and I figure I would've gone in the first wave of illness. I don't see me as one of those tireless and selfless souls who tends to the sick and injured, and manages to escape the ravages of the dreaded plague. "Take me Lord, take me now. Before I disgrace myself by throwing up in public."
Anyway, that's the reason for my lack of communication. I went back to school a day too soon and ended up spreading my coat out on my classroom floor so I could lie down rather than fall down. I don't know why I felt like I needed to be back. It's not like somebody will swoop in and take my job from me. It's also not as if my students are going anywhere. I literally have a captive audience. I opted not to have students, figuring I could use a prep day to get ready for the new quarter. I posted a sign on my classroom door and locked it, thinking I'd have peace and quiet in which to work. No such luck. The inmates could see my light was on, so they repeatedly ignored the locked door, peaked over my "No Admittance" sign, and generally pestered me until I dragged my sorry sick self to the door and opened it to them. Then they'd say something really perceptive, like "Oh! You're here! Are we having class?" Or "Just wanted to say hi." Or (love this one!) "You been sick? You look sick. You should just lock your door."
Anyway, I persevered until about 3:30 when there was no longer any question about coming back too soon. I came home, crawled back into my bed, and stayed there until Big D had dinner ready. I know all you mothers-of-little-ones out there are saying, "Oh you big baby. Try feeling that crappy and still having to take care of kids, fix meals, buy goceries, and keep the family afloat!" I only have this to say to you........"Been there, done that, bite me!"


JEDA said...

"Fix meals"? FIX MEALS? HA!!!

Here's a sentence that will always and forever remind me of home sweet home....

"You're on your own for dinner tonight."

Ah, the memories. Pop Tarts and Mac n' Cheese. But mostly Pop Tarts, cuz' let's face it, Mac n' Cheese is really just too much of a bother for a 14 year old whose mother isn't quite up to fixing it a meal that night.

Sorry you got it so bad this year. Hope it's really and truly on its way out the back door (IYKWIMAIKYD--$100 if you can tell me what that means.....) by now.

And don't give me too much credit for fighting the brave fight and taking care of my family despite being sick. Remember I'm the one who sent them all off to my sainted mother-in-law for 5 days so I could die in peace. I'm no martyr, and I have very little patience for those who are. In fact, that little stunt you pulled by going back to work too soon smacks ever so slighly of martyrdom. Ya' dumbass! You should have stayed home!

Queen LaTeacha said...

If you know what I mean and I know you do??????