Sunday, December 16, 2007

Queen LaTeacha catches the technology bug...

So....I guess I'm officially a techie now.

Like so many other people, writing has always been therapy for me. But I haven't had great luck with diaries or journaling. So I thought I'd see how I do with blogging. I tend to write the way I talk -- sometimes without thinking first! For as many times as I've said to both my students and my kids, "You need to think before you speak!", it's something I don't practice very well myself.

I've never been one of those writers who labors over a piece, writing and re-writing, catching every mistake, weighing very nuance, checking a thesaurus for a better way to say something. I'm not that good, and I'm definitely not that much of a perfectionist. If you get it, you get it; if you don't, there's something wrong with you. Simple.

I'm not passionate about very many things. But I am passionate about my grandkids and my job. These are the things about which I have something to say. If my thoughts on these subjects (and probably a few occasional sidebars) don't interest you, go find a good book to read or make yourself a nice snack. But whatever you do, BE NICE! The opinions expressed here are mine, and mine alone. They don't represent my family, my gender, my profession, my country, and in some cases probably not even my species. You will find them to be scattered, based on nothing more than my own observations, sometimes random, and on rare glorified moments, insightful and profound. If they touch you in any way, my life is worthwhile; if they don't, there's something wrong with you. Simple.

I believe very few people fully understand what day-to-day life is like in the prison. It's a microcosm -- like the clear plastic ant farm with the green plastic border you had when you were a kid. With careful observation, it didn't take long to identify the workers, the caregivers, the bullies, the slackers, and yes, the Queen. Enter.......humble me. One of my roughest, toughest, gang-hardened inmates (BIG black guy with "COMPTON" tattooed across his neck) dubbed me "Queen LaTeacha" while I was using every trick I know to teach him the concept behind dividing fractions. And the name stuck. (Sidebar: so did the concept of fractions once I related it to buying and selling drugs. "You start with an 8-ball and sell a quarter-gram to the guy that owes you a slick fifth from the day you split a nickle bag.")

So, the adventure begins. I'll take you with me into that literal den of thieves where reside some of the nicest people who have done some of the nastiest things. I hope you'll come along with me to a place you'll probably never experience first hand.


tracy said...

This is an incredible reflection of the incredible mind within you and I look forward to reading more and more... I never tire of your thoughts!
Love, T

JEDA said...

Brava. Nicely done. And not a single curse word. How'd you do that?

Guitar said...

I am so proud of this lady. She is a great wife, mother, quilter, singer, writer and teacher. She is many other nice things, but those are the main ones. I want to share with everyone a letter from one of her past, most harden student/inmate. This letter was written in December, 2004. It was addresses to Carole Mikita a KSL Television anchor lady, on Channel 5 News.

Dear Ms. Milita,

Not long ago, you visited Utah State Prison as a guest speaker in the Wasatch Chapel. I was among those who heard your inspiring words.

Now, perhaps you may be inspired to report an exceptional story – one that is laced with dedication, courage, and service well beyond the norm.

There exists a teacher who elects to find the good in people, strives to install social principles, and does it with unusual flair. Her attitude toward inmates is the key to her effectiveness.

When asked, “How are you today?”, she responds, “Wonderful !” When I ask, “Why Wonderful, “she responds, “I just love my job.”

It shows, and translates into extraordinary results by inspiring students, mutual respect, and most importantly ‘HOPE’.

She has such a positive impact on her students, other inmates, guards and staff in general. She is more than a great teacher. She inspires rehabilitation through mere civility and professionalism. Yes – it’s quite a story.

Some think of her as a good teacher. Some simply pick up on her positive approach. I am one of the many who benefit from just knowing her.

He goes on to explain why KSL News should do a story on her. He praises her teaching ability, her compassion, and her professional ability toward her students. Remember her students are inmates at the State Prison who never finished High School. They are robbers, murderers, sex offenders, drug and gang guys. They all love and respect her.
All her students go out of their way to protect her, and as the say in prison – “watch my back”. They all ‘watch her back’.

I’m her number one fan. She knocks me out, and I love her.

Mishy said...

Great job my friend! I'm looking forward to more.

skinny bitch's mom said...

I was right, Jeda did get her writing ability from you. I remember the letters I used to get from you in CA. They sometimes saved my sanity. And I suspect that this will go the same. In addition to all the other great things you are, you are the very best stister ever made. You go girl!!!!Love L

The Hansen Clan said...

I am so excited you are doing this! You are an amazing person and I am so glad to be able to enjoy your wit and insight on a more regular basis through your blog. We miss you and Katelyn said to give Dixie kisses for her!

Hiker said...

Wow, how funny and inciteful. We need more, more, more...don't stop now.